Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Bit of Soul Sunshine: Rob & Shayna

I am STILL getting the oooey goooey warm fuzzies over Rob and Shayna's wedding this past Saturday. It's ridiculous, and yet I can't stop thinking about it!

We boarded our jet plane (actually a small plane hoisted by propeller) and headed to Oakland, CA Friday afternoon to celebrate the-once-in-a-eternity kind of love that's settled in Rob Cox's heart (one of Kendall's absolute bestest and truest friends).  I've heard so much about this feller, and it was such a privilege to meet such a wonderful person. And that Shayna! She is just as wonderful. The two of them glowed this weekend, and it brought all of us some soul sunshine as we fluttered around their happiness.

And my goodness, the rest of those marvelous people who I fluttered around with also must be mentioned here! To be remembered always....especially since they live so far away and most I will probably never see again.

But less words, more pictures! Here goes nothin'.... (actually it was somethin' big marevelous somethin'...)
Our propeller propelled plane of propelleness (Kendall was fascinated by this, not sure why)!

Kendall & Rob- reunited at last at the pre-wedding dinner at Chevys. Their joy is leaking from their cheeks and squishing their eyes.
The beautiful Oakland Temple where Rob and Shayna were married

Rob & Shayna!

Pretending to be serious

Not pretending one bit

The view of Oakland and San Francisco from"Temple Hill"

Julie, me, and Bethany- thanks for keeping me company while our husbands played! :)

The abundance of local art. I did not know this before our plane landed, but Oakland is actually la ghettooo. The temple is gorgeous and the the patch of land surrounding it, but we landed in a seedy Motel 6 in a rough part of town. I wouldn't have changed that for the world- lots to see all of the time.

Despite the surrounding dangers, this was the view outside our motel door.

One of the pure highlights of the trip was accidentally attending the very same church meeting as Rob and Shayna the very next day. Thanks for letting us crash your honeymoon! We were so grateful to see you again before we left for home!

After church, Rob and Shayna invited us back to their new apartment for a tour and a Kendall/Rob jam session (back in the day, these two even had their own CD). After, we had the privilege of driving them to the airport so they could skip town for their honeymoon.

Last but not least, I couldn't resist sharing the video of Rob and Kendall playing my favorite Kendall/Rob song that was recorded in their bachelor glory days. It was the one they played this weekend.

And they lived happily ever after. The end.


  1. They are such good musicians! I would buy their CD! Amazing! Looks like you had a wonderful trip!

  2. I'll pass on your sweet compliment :) it was so much fun :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It's so fun that their song was composed and recorded before either of them had met their forever-sweethearts. They were singing for Kristen and Shayna and didn't know it yet. I love happy endings, which actually translate into happy beginnings. Thanks for the post!!

  5. I love that song also and had forgotten about it! Oh I just love this post...
